About the Long Haul Zine Archive
By our calculations, the Long Haul has about 15,000 (!) zines in its archive. They are kept in magazine boxes on shelves lining one of the walls of our space. They are loosely organized alphabetically.
Love, Rage, and DIY publishing!
We have back issues of radical newspapers like The Shadow, Love and Rage, zines from all over the world including personal zines (perzines), political group newsletters, underground newspapers, punk zines, and more. You never know what you will find in our archives.
The ONLY way to see this collection is to come by. In the wise words of funkadelic, “free your mind… and your ass will follow!!”
Hmmm, I wonder if it’s too much to include the Radical Contact List here? Well, I know I got it in my Slingshot Organizer. Maybe I’ll check out if Slingshot has a website. Sometimes, I want to tell travelling friends about this resource, but can’t get a Slingshot to them in a timely manner. Thanx!