Art of Resistance with Beehive Collective!

The Beehive Collective is on tour with both our MesoAmerica Resiste 10 year anniversary graphic, as well as our recently released educational project: The True Cost of Coal Book.

It’s a rhyming narrative and activity book to complement our large mural artwork “True Cost of Coal” which makes conversations about the history of colonization, workers’ rights, and the fight for social and environmental justice more accessible and engaging for younger audiences.

Live Music & Spoken Word

Beat the Heat event poster

Monday July 10th at 7pm
3124 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley

live music and spoken word from:

Adam Gnade
Lora Mathis, with noise accompaniment by Matty Terrones of Neutral Shirt

… plus surprise guests
all ages! Donations / NOTA


Join us on Saturday July 22, 2023 for a “FREE INK DAY” of free anti-capitalist poster printing and other activities at Long Haul Infoshop.

Come celebrate the radical legacy of the infoshop and meet others who are fed up with the system and want to abolish it.

Featuring… fun print-making and all-ages activities (Riso, screen printing, bookmark drawing). Live debut of your local Asian music fangirl, DJ Sinecure (soon to have a radio show!).

LOTS of FREE posters to take home or share around. And some light snacks and drinks.

ALL 100% FREE!!!! What else could you possibly want? (bring it.)

Wheelchair accessible
Saturday July 22, 2023
Noon – 7 PM
3124 Shattuck Avenue (just 3 blocks east of Ashby BART)

DO you want to PRINT something?

This is a chance to print fast and dirty on thin paper suitable for wheatpasting. We will not be doing complex multi-color or tight-registration Riso prints.

First-come, first served – max. 1 original per person!

Get more info at Reprographixxx website

Press Release: Long Haul community center in Berkeley faces displacement due to landlord’s proposed development

March 2, 2023

Berkeley’s volunteer-operated, non-profit radical community center Long Haul is threatened with displacement by a proposal to demolish its building to build an 8-story, $40-50 million housing development.

Long Haul has been located at 3124 Shattuck Avenue since 1979. Long Haul operates a radical library, historical archive and community center that hosts meetings, events and grassroots organizations such as Needle Exchange Emergency Distribution (NEED), Slingshot collective, East Bay Co-housing, Sunrise Movement, Reprographixxx Print Room and the Anarchist Study Group. Long Haul’s public reading room is open 6 days a week and is a locus of mutual aid and resistance culture. During open hours anyone can find a place to sit and socialize free of charge without the need to buy anything. Free food is available 2 nights a week. Harm reduction supplies are available 6 days a week. Long Haul always provides a free public toilet to anyone who needs one. Long Haul’s radical historical archive contains thousands of titles spanning radical activism from the 1960s on-ward, with special emphasis on under-represented periods such as the 1980s, 1990s, and beyond.

In early January, 2023, Long Haul’s landlord Northern California Land Trust (“NCLT”) surprised Long Haul by announcing that it was seeking to tear down the 3120-3130 Shattuck building (cross street Woolsey), which contains Long Haul and the Homeless Action Center. NCLT held a neighborhood meeting via zoom in January about the proposal. Long Haul learned that NCLT has been developing plans for the development for over a year. With no notice to Long Haul, NCLT submitted an SB330 application to the City of Berkeley on December 13, 2022. (Copy available upon Request.) Without communicating with its tenants, NCLT applied for and was awarded a $1 million grant from the California Energy Commission to pay for design and pre-development cost.

Ironically, NCLT’s offices were at Long Haul when the space began in 1979, according to Long Haul’s founder Alan Haber. (Haber also started 1960s New Left organization Students for a Democratic Society in 1960.) Haber stated that it was at Long Haul’s urging that NCLT purchased the 3120-3130 Shattuck building in 1984. Long Haul has an indefinite lease and has paid rent on-time for 30 years.

NCLT seeks to begin construction in mid-2024. However NCLT has not yet secured financing for the development.

Long Haul is having ongoing internal discussions to decide how to respond to the development proposal and is seeking community support to avoid displacement.

While Long Haul is under threat, it is still open and active. Long Haul invites the community to use its resources and schedule an event in its meeting room.

“The City of Berkeley has long prided itself on the presence of unique spaces like this that are unapologetically radical and grassroots and which allow people to interact and pursue their projects autonomously and without the barriers of commerce or supervisory authorization,” said a Long Haul volunteer. “The preservation of Long Haul is essential for Berkeley to remain weird and for it to remain distinctively Berkeley.”

Slingshot 35th Birthday Party

Slingshot 35th birthday event flyer March 12

SUNDAY March 12, 2023 from 7-9pm
at Long Haul Infoshop

Live music from members of… The Wyatt Act, Guinevere Q, J Young Sun, and Chris Meeder.

Zany Free raffle, meet the authors, back issue collection & a vegan chocolate cake. FREE EVENT

Game night at Long Haul

Flyer for Long haul role playing game night

A new event being hosted at Long Haul is Thursday Night Role-Playing Game Night. Stop by from 6:30-8:30 Thursdays to play games in the back room January 2023.

FREE Disorientation Release / Tacos / Print Room Party

Event flyer for disorientation party

On November 12th from 5-9pm, we will be having a FREE (and awesome) release party for the 2022-23 DISORIENTATION guide!

We have been working tirelessly at the Reprographixxx Print Room project to get almost 1,000 guides printed in time 🙂

There will be FREE TACOS (delicious, flavorful, and vegan – no BS) and FREE copies of the disorientation guide!

For decades, the Berkeley Disorientation guide has been a resource for people at UC Berkeley to go beyond the university and get re-connected to ways of life outside academia and capitalism.