Film as Resistance in Korea

Film as Resistance in Korea

Thurs., March 20, 7 p.m. – Bay Area Film Screening of 2 Korean films and Discussion
*Korean with English subtitles

We Are Not Wallpaper 2024 (20 min)
Directed by Homeless Action Activist “Carrot”

Beyond the big-budget productions Parasite and Squid Game depicting the violent wealth disparity in capitalist Korean society lies the contemporary grassroots anti-poverty movement that has worked for over 20 years to build community and create a better life for those on the margins.

One of the most sustainable projects to emerge from the movement is civic group Homeless Action’s School for the Homeless, located near Seoul Station, the “home” of Korea’s most visible street homeless population. A diverse group of volunteer teachers work with adults who are or have been considered homeless – those living on the streets, in flophouses, tiny rooms, shelters, and otherwise housing insecure.

During and after the April 10, 2024 general election, the “Forest of Rights” class made the documentary We Are Not Wallpaper, contrasting the election campaigns with the fight for public housing and an end to discrimination against the homeless community.

South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol’s recent martial law declaration has brought millions of people to the streets in sustained protests. Against this backdrop, we hope our film can be part of a larger international dialogue on solidarity and mutual aid in the face of our common struggles.

Spring Wind Project: We are Here 2022 (68 min Cut)
Omnibus shorts by 21 media activists

A 40-day pilgrimage interviewing the people acting at sites of struggle across the country, including residents suffering from nuclear power plants and power transmission towers, part-time workers forced to make sacrifices at their workplace, people excluded through hatred and elimination, people with experiences of repeated disasters in Korean society, people who oppose military bases and war weapons. The pilgrims and their companions embrace each other for a different world. – DMZ International Documentary Film Festival Synopsis


Residency general flier

Join us for a free 6-day poetry writing residency, put on by your fellow Bay Area poets.


  • 12/26 Tanya Azari (10am-12pm)
  • 12/27 J Spagnolo (10am-12pm)
  • 12/28 READING AND OPEN MIC (1pm-4pm)
  • 12/29 TBD Guest Poet (1pm-4pm)
  • 12/30 Ben Bartu (10am-12pm)
  • 12/31 Jackson Moorman

Email with questions

Reading and Open Mic

Reading & Open Mic, Dec 28 1pm-4pm flier

Shut Up & Write! Every Monday at The Long Haul Info Shop

Shut up and Write Berkeley

View event & RSVP on


  • You! These events are open to all, no genre or skill level or writing style necessary. Come work on your manuscript, dissertation, daily pages, blog post, journal entry, pen pal emails, fanzine, or any other form of scribbling.
  • Free, bring a friend! No RSVP needed (max of ~10 chairs though).


  • Coworking for East Bay writers (and beyond)!
  • Shut Up & Write hosts free in-person and online writing events for writers all over the world. Our goal is to ensure that every writer, regardless of genre or skill level, has access to the community, accountability, and resources they need to be successful in their personal writing goals. Our events use our proven formula: a few minutes of introductions, an hour of focused writing, and a final check-in to share the hour’s progress.
  • To see other SU+W events, visit


  • Every Monday from 7pm-8:30pm
  • 7pm — Introductions and Check-in
  • 7:10pm – 8:10pm — 1 hr of silent writing
  • 8:10pm – 8:30pm — Check-ins and chatting (feel free to head home early or stick around late)
  • The Long Haul is open 6-9pm—as of now, we are the only official group using the space. Feel free to come by early or stay after until close!


  • The Long Haul is a radical resource center & community space—all are welcome
  • No purchases necessary (they have a kettle for hot water and a microwave to heat up your own food), but you can always give back by volunteering, donating to the space, and/or buying a book, zine, t-shirt, or patch 🙂
  • Space has WiFi and a gender-neutral bathroom.
  • Travel / Parking info: 5 minute walk from Ashby BART. Free street parking available. Bike racks located outside (you can also bring your bike in).


  • Dedicate some time to your works-in-progress & share space/ build community with local writers 🙂

What else should I know?:

  • RSVPs (and cancelled RSVPs) appreciated
  • Being late is OK! Just come in, get settled in, and the organizer will show you the screen that has the amount of time left to write.